45yr old female with fever and neck pain

A 45 year old female patient resident of nakrekal agriculture worker by occupation presented with CHIEF COMPLAINTS :- fever since 2days , generalised body pains since 2 days, head ache and neck pain since 1 day and 2 episodes of vomitings HISTORY OF PRESENTING ILLNESS:-patient was apparently asymtomatic since 2days then she developed high grade fever which is continous and not associated with chill , rigor and any kind of rash and does not relieved on medication. Then she was taken to a local doctor where she was given the medication for fever and body aches (medication unknown) then she had an episode of projectile vomiting non bilious . Then she developed generalised body pains and nek pain by which she could not sleep . The next day she was taken to a bigger hopital where she was admitted and then had an episode of vomting after drinking water which is projectile and the contents are water .All the routine investigations are done to fin...