A 36 yr old male came with chief complaint of abdominal distension

 This is online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputsThis e-log book also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on comment box is welcome

A 36 yr old male patient who is a florist by occupation and a resident of miryalaguda 

Presented to the casualty with chief complaints of. Abdominal distension since 2 months 

Bilat.pedal edema since 2 months. 

Scrotal swelling since 2 months


This patient was apparently asymptomatic 3 yrs back.then he developed abdominal distension and pedal edema for which he visited local hospital and was diagnosed as liver disease and  used medication for a while and stopped after the complaints subsided .

he was diagnosed as diabetic back then and is on treatment (metformin 500 mg ).

6 months back he had similar compliants of abdominal distension and SOB.he was put on medication but  he did not get any relief for it , his symptoms got aggravated then he visited other hospital with abdominal distension and SOB at rest , back then he was diagnosed as DCMP secondary to alcoholism with Chronic Liver Disease with Alcohol Dependence   Syndrome with DM - 2 .

He was admitted to our hospital 11days back for similar compliants ie SOB and abdominal distension till the xiphisternum followed by pedal edema which was insidious in onset and gradually progressive till the scrotum.

Past history:

He's a known case of DM -2 since 3 years and under treatment of Tab Metformin 500 mg 

HFrEF since 6 months   

Chronic liver disease since 3 years 

Not a known case of asthma, tuberculosis, hypertension,thyroid, epilepsy.

Personal history:

Diet - mixed 

Appetite - normal

Sleep - adequate

Bowel and bladder habits - regular 

Addictions  : smoking since 8 years 

Alcohol since 8 years

Family history : 

no significant family history 


The patient was examined in well lit room after taking his consent.

Patient is conscious ,coherent and cooperative 

Patient is well oriented to time and place

Moderately built and moderately nourished

mild icterus +


Edema of feet +

Scrotal swelling+

Abdominal distension+

No h/o pallor,clubbing,cyanosis, lymphadenopathy

Vitals : 

Temp - febrile (99.2 degree Fahrenheit)

PR - 112 bpm

RR - 22 cpm

BP - 110/70 mmHg 

SPO2 - 99 % at RA

GRBS - 175 mg/dl 

Systemic examination : 

CVS : 

S1 S2 + 

JVP - elevated 

No parasternal heave /thrills 

Apex beat - 5th ICS 

RS :

BAE + , NVBS heard 

P/A : 

Abdomen - distended 

Normal hernial orifices 

Fluid thrill + 

Dilated  veins present 

No tenderness 

No palpable mass 

No organomegaly 

No bruit hear

CNS - no focal neurological deficit present 


Ascites secondary to heart failure.

Investigations : 

Hemogram :

HB - 13

TLC - 12,100

N/L/E/M - 67 /20/10/3

PCV - 37.8

PLt - 3.13

RBC - 4.81 


Urea - 31 

Creatinine - 0.7

Uric acid - 2.7

Calcium - 10 

Phosphorous - 3.8

Sodium - 130 

Potassium - 3.6

Chloride - 91 

LFT : 

TB - 7.26 

DB -4.21

AST - 26 

ALT - 17 

ALP - 560 

TP - 6.6 

Albumin - 3.6 

A/G ratio - 0.24 

Ultrasound : 

1.altered echotexture of liver with mild surface irregularity ?chronic liver disease 

2.Raised echogenicity of B/L kidneys 

3.Gall bladder wall edema 

4.Gross ascites

5.Skin and subcutaneous tissue shows edematous changes in the anterior abdominal wall diffusely 

Chest xray


CT scan :


1.fluid restriction <1.5 l /day 

2.salt restriction <2.4 g/day

3.Tab Lasix 40 mg po/bd 

4.Tab Aldactone 50 mg po od 

5.Tab Met xl 12.5 mg po bd 

6.Tab Thiamine 100 mg po bd

7.daily weight and abdominal girth monitoring 

8.I/O charting 

9.Monitor vitals -4th hourly

10.Grbs - 6th hourly 

11.inj HAI s/c according to sliding scale


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